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Conversation with Coco Chanel (Video Transcription)

  This is a transcription of a Youtube live video containing a spiritual channeling done by Claudia Monacelli . Audiences in the live video were given a chance to ask questions in the chat box and Coco Chanel answers them. Being someone who is in the beauty and fashion field, I rather find this video very important to transcribe because of the great wisdom it contains. You can watch the video here .   C: How were you inspired and were you intuitive knowing what you were tapping upon?   Coco: Yes, I was inspired. My work as a fashion designer and other work I had in part by my intuition and in part by instructions from the people I worked for. I also was inspired by uniforms worn by soldiers during that time period. If you can consider the lines were very severe in many of my women’s fashion designs.   C: Covid has flipped the way the industry works. Trade policies have also seemed to zap the creativity from the work over the last thirty years. What is th...

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