Snow White: Being Envied for Your Beauty


Two days ago, I had a dream where I and other humans were in a fairy world, and it was hard to distinguish between a fairy and a human. There was a girl that I went to college with and she tried to kill me but did not end up killing me. I asked her why she tried to do that and she answered that everywhere I go, she always hears people tell each other that I am maganda, pretty, beautiful. She told me that she could not stand hearing it. At that moment in my dream, I felt flattered because I was unaware of how much I was admired by people, but sad at the same time because it made the girl green with envy.

Throughout the whole dream I encountered good and bad fairies and people, and I saw most of them wanting to kill others including me. I always find myself running away in that dream. 

Two psychic intuitive people I know told me that the dream meant that people are envious of my looks. They’re not true friends, but the dream was not a big deal because no one is going to kill me in real life. The dream was also warning me to stay away from envious people.

While I was pondering on this dream that I had, I remembered the famous story of Snow White. As a child, I had been aware of the presence of envious people (a.k.a. villains), but I only understood how dangerous they really are when I became an adult. Envious people can gossip about you, ruin your reputation and isolate you from other people; they can sabotage your career; they try to steal your blessings away; they can try to put curses on you; and they may even physically harm you. As I reminded myself of this, I consequently became scared of what my dream could be prophesying about my near future. I can’t even tell you how much I have suffered through the years from the people who envied me. I still have emotional scars from those incidents.

Young Snow White suffered a lot in the hands of her evil stepmother. Girls naturally want to be pleasing to the eye, but the fairy tale of Snow White made us realize how beauty can cause us to suffer too. As all women are given each their own unique beauty, there should never be a malicious competition among women when it comes to their looks.

I asked for spiritual guidance during my meditation regarding this dream. These are the answers I got from Source and from the ascended masters that I have asked:


            Aphrodite: Focus on the good part of being envied: be flattered, because that means that there is something admirable out you, or that you are doing something good. The world is in a state of yin and yang – other people will celebrate you and other people won’t. Envy is a state of powerlessness. You are envied because you are in a state of power. Do not give them your power. Do not get scared.


            Mary Magdalene: What you should do? Nothing. When you are envied, it is not really about you, but the other people’s own feelings and reactions. You have something that they want to have, so what? You can’t do anything about it because you only have control about yourself.


            Mother Mary: As long as spirits protect you, they cannot do anything bad to you. They can only rally about them other people who are also envious of you, but they can’t really take away your blessings away from you. Spiritual protection is not to be underestimated.


            Lilith: Shouldn’t you be used to it by now? Nobody goes through life without being envied at some point in their lives. If you feel people always envy you in all stages of your life, then tell yourself that that means something good – that you excel, and you’re at the top.


            Source: Envy is a human emotion that you, too, can sometimes experience. Some people just let this emotion take over their whole being that they send ill will to the people they are envious of. But just continue doing good so that your light shines brighter, and your own bright light will protect you more than anything else.


Being the overthinker that I am, I tend to ask for spiritual guidance because I cannot trust my monkey mind when I am scared or confused. High-vibrational spirits tend to lift me out of the dark clouds I have created for myself. What I have realized from this experience is that I should have dwelled on the part of my dream (and my reality too) where I am admired. I honestly felt good about that part because I always see things that needed to be fixed or improved about myself (I am a Virgo rising) instead of the things that are already good. In this planet full of black-or-white duality, sometimes being envied can make us understand and appreciate how great we really are. I also learned that spiritual protection is necessary in order to protect ourselves from threatening situations caused by other people’s envy. Always remember that spirit is always protecting you, angels are hugging you, especially when you are asking them for it. If you are spiritually protected, no evil can touch you.


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