The Truth about Lilith (Astrology, Mythology)


I was scared of Lilith. I really was, so I didn’t want to embrace her in my life. I have heard and read a lot of bad stuff about her that it terrified me when I learned that my natal Black Moon Lilith was sitting brightly on my 10th house (it represents public persona and reputation). I have experienced a lot of bullying and being a victim of untrue gossips spread about me that I thought Lilith being in my 10th house was the culprit of all these nasty experiences with the public. But I was wrong. When I channeled Lilith, she denied it. She told me that having Lilith in the 10th house was actually a good thing.


As it turns out, Lilith was not as bad as the mythology has made her out to be. She isn’t a demoness. I wasn’t even feeling an ounce of fear when I channeled her. She was only demonized by the patriarchal society as it is afraid of who Lilith is and what she represents. When I asked her who she really is, she answered that she is feminine powerraw feminine power. Whether it’s good or bad, that’s who she is. If there is a shadow side to feminine power, that is still a part of who she is – because according to her, everything and everyone has a shadow side, even my beloved Aphrodite.


During the ancient times, we have been a matriarchal society. But as the feminine power has become abusive, the male collective believed that feminine power is bad. So that started the fall of matriarchy and the rise of patriarchy. For many millennia, the earth has been patriarchal and mostly unkind to women. No wonder Lilith has been ostracized and vilified in the stories that have been passed down. But now that women empowerment is emerging, and the Divine Feminine is slowly rising, it is time for the truth about Lilith to come out. She is the feminine power that lies within all of us, male or female.


Lilith said that we haven’t unearthed the full potential of our feminine power yet. Yes, women give birth, women give life – but according to her, it is only a small percentage of what feminine power can do. She told me that I have to figure it all out by myself. And regarding my Black Moon Lilith being in my 10th house of public image, she told me that I have to embody my feminine power and it will be easily seen by the public. I have to be all about feminine power (which explains why I am drawn to femininity, female studies, etc. My undergraduate thesis was a feminist analysis of our provincial folk songs). She told me to not be scared of her and what she represents. She wants me to embrace her and it will be good for me. And I felt peace with the messages that I have channeled. My heart tells me that it is all true.


I did a digital art of her based on what I have vaguely seen while I was channeling, and it’s the image you have seen above. She had red-orange hair and a milky complexion. Her eyes and facial expressions looked as meek as a sheep, but she didn’t look weak. She is very beautiful, she kind of looks ancient (a classic beauty), and she was naked when I saw her. I am glad that I took action and drew out the truth from her. Now I don’t feel any fear from having my Black Moon Lilith in my 10th house and I am not afraid of my own sexuality now.


Thank you, Lilith.


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