Your Environment Affects Your Beauty


It is no secret that our environment affects our moods, habits, and who we are. The people we spend time with the most, or the environment we spend time in the most have the greatest effects in our being. Therefore, the people who prioritize their outer and inner beauty or well-being must get out of toxic environments and cut off toxic people out of their lives quickly, as if their lives depended on it. Get out of there now. Set your boundaries with those people now.

Overwhelming stress can cause premature aging, glow-less skin, nasty auras, and health problems. Also, negative people around us can either hurt us or influence our behaviors to change for the worse. There is nothing beautiful in stress and negativity. Therefore, as people who aim for inner and outer beauty, it is important to surround ourselves with love and support from others. Be in a work environment that treats you like family instead of a competitor. Be with people who truly care for you and encourage you in your endeavors. There is no way we can thrive in an overly negative environment because it won’t take long before the negativity takes a toll on your physical and mental health.

When placed in a toxic environment, some people develop ill health (or ugliness) quicker than others. While some people may not seem to be affected physically by the toxicity and negativity of their environment, auras do not lie. Stress, anger, sadness, and pain in the aura can easily be felt by other people, which can cause them to unconsciously (or consciously) react to you in a negative way.

For those who have already gotten out of the toxic environments they were once in, or those who have a strong will to do so in the near future, congratulations! However, getting out of toxicity is not enough. You must create a beautiful environment for yourself afterwards. You may pray for and find a new positive environment, our literally form an environment of beauty for yourselves. Here are some suggestions for you:


©     Have a whole new set of beautiful wardrobe representing the more beautiful and more positive new you, and donate or sell your old clothes which represent the negative old you, or which does not add to your image of beauty.

©     Have a beautiful-smelling perfume, potpourri, or oils and oil burner for your space which can relax your mind and remind your nose of your beauty and the beauty around you.

©     Eat or cook only healthy food, and try to detoxify yourself of harmful or junk food. It is easier to have a beautiful mindset and countenance when you have a healthy body.

©     Remove swear words, criticism, and malicious gossip from your speech. Beautiful lips speak only words of encouragement and compliments to other people.

©     Have a friendship circle composed of friends or family members who are loyal, loving, supportive, and truly care for you.

©     Adopt a pet to help open up and heal your heart chakra, making it easier for you to nurture your inner beauty.

©     Make time for yourself and your loved ones. You may try finding a job which does not demand most of your time and energy like a slave, have your own business, or pursue what you are passionate about as a means of generating your income. However you want to earn money is up to you, but don’t neglect self-care this time.

©     Watch or read only stuff that are positive, beautiful, or spiritual. Refrain from paying attention to low-vibrational movies, books, etc. For people who strive for beauty, they are a waste of time.

©     Pay more attention to your personal hygiene, and have a clean, mess-free house and workspace. There is nothing beautiful in clutter, trash, and accumulated dirt; cleanliness of the surroundings also clears the mind of thought clutter.


For now that is all I can think of, but you can definitely add more to the list. Remember that a rose bush placed in inferno will burn or wilt, but a rose bush placed in the Garden of Eden will thrive and perfume the whole area. In a way we are all roses. We need to be placed in an environment that will not kill us, but which sees our beauty and enhances it. Beautiful beings like you must not tolerate environments of toxicity, because tolerance only gives more power to the toxicity and leaves you with less power. Let us create a beautiful earth by creating a beautiful environment to ourselves and others. ©


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