Beauty as a Superpower


If the gods and goddesses could give you one particular power which you could use and abuse for your own selfish needs, what would it be?

I think that beauty is a superpower that is often overlooked. It is seen as superficial, harmless, and useless; but I beg to disagree. Beauty is a power that, when given to the wrong person, can also be dangerous. Beauty can give someone victory, status, and power. And beauty can enslave people or make them go crazy.

Beauty can be manipulated externally; and when we tap into our beauty internally, it would then be called charm. Beauty alone is boring, and charm alone is weak – but together, they make a deadly combination. Some people with “pretty privilege” enjoy it, but do not know how to maximize its use. Well, I think that if you have the tools, why waste them? You can use beauty into getting what you want.

Beauty is a power that can paralyze onlookers, create desire from the opposite sex, generate chaos among the people who compete for you, and make people want to please you or be enslaved by you. Helen of Troy’s beauty sparked the Trojan War; Delilah robbed Samson of his strength; Cleopatra’s ability to charm anyone added to her power as a pharaoh; and the feeble Snow White had seven little dwarves working for her. When we know how to use beauty for our own advantage, we can have the world wrapped around our fingers. And who cares about envious people around? Envy is felt by those who believe that they are not capable of getting what they desire. Just focus on cultivating the power of your beauty and mastering it.

There is no manual for this. It is not as easy as ABC. You have to reach into the depths of your being, uncover your beauty power, and tap into it. Believe that you are beautiful. Believe that you are a goddess. Put yourself on a pedestal. Make them work hard to be worthy of your attention, time, and energy. Treat yourself like the queen that you are. Put on your nicest clothes, makeup, and perfume. Get in touch with your sensuality. Enchant them with your voice, hair, movements, and countenance. Let people’s encounter with you seem magical in their own minds. Leave them going gaga and wanting for more.

Beauty can be your greatest strength. With it, you can defeat opponents. It can lead you to success. When used in the right way (powerfully but discreetly), you can get the job that you want, be pursued by the man of your dreams, gain allies, obtain useful connections, manipulate situations to your favor, or even have material abundance. Using beauty as a superpower is an ancient kind of skill which always gets the job done when used dexterously. As women who have been oppressed by patriarchy for thousands of years, it is time we rediscover this innate gift that we have – the very thing which the patriarchy is afraid of – and bring back the goddess energy by empowering ourselves through beauty and charm.


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